As part of November’s Career Development Month, we have spoken to a number of our “Green Room” crew whom are part of Location Routes. For this last one of the month we spoke to Ece Topcuoglu whom gained experience within industry and showed that going on training programmes does help.
1) Tell us about how you got into the Locations or Production Department?
I entered the locations department through a course called “Set Ready.” This is a two-day intensive training program where they prepare you to be a location marshall, covering all the skills you need for your first day on set. After completing the course, you are placed on high-end TV and film productions as a location marshall. My first credits included “Scorpio” (a feature film) and “The Department” (a TV series), through Set Ready.
2) What is your biggest achievements and challenges to date so far in your career?
My biggest achievement has been working as a “Key Marshall/Team Leader” on a production, where I managed other marshalls during an intensive day of lock-offs by Buckingham Palace. I really enjoyed the extra responsibility and the teamwork involved. However, my biggest challenge has been reaching remote locations for various productions since I do not drive.
3) How did you hear about Location Routes?
4) What support has Location Routes been able to give you over the past year?
I enjoy being involved in the Location Routes green room, which is an excellent space for meeting other members and staying updated on job postings.
5) What are your future aspirations for your career in Locations or Production Department?
I really like working in locations because you are the middle person between the public and the rest of the crew. My goal is to run the floor as an LA/ALM and eventually become a Location Manager one day.
Thanks Ece for your insight and we hope you enjoyed reading the other talent crew blogs from this month.
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